Saturday, April 12, 2008

Oral Presentation Rubric for: An Autobiography

OMG! Where has this program been??!!! I used to always create rubrics on my own and find myself lost half of the time because I never know what criteria to use! I am so, so, so glad to have found this website! It was so easy!!!! And for the most part, it gives you assessing criterion that focus on what the teacher is looking for.

This was a test-run. That's why I didn't make it match my Flat Stanley Project. This program actually made me so excited! What a way to make teachers' lives easy!!! I will definitely use this in my class!!

What I liked the most about it is it has a set criteria to focus on and tells the student exactly what you are looking for, as I mentioned earlier. I couldn't find exactly what I disliked about it, however I think it would be great it there was a set mode to keep the rubric short and simple. *KISS -- but I think I didn't browse enough to figure that out. I was just too excited! :)

Using rubrics to asses students is a great way of telling them exactly what needs to be done and how to do it. I find myself lost sometimes when there's a presentation or a test coming up and I have no rubric to follow. I think I've become too used to having a rubric given to me before a test or presentation. It also helps students identify what important concept to focus on and the teacher gets exactly what he or she expects.