Monday, May 5, 2008

My experience..

My Flat Stanley project was a great experience. Having done this in the classroom brought a new perspective on teaching to me. I found that integration does work effectively and with that, bringing new ideas creates a better learning environment and it keeps the students interested in learning. My students were so excited to have been a part of this wonderful project and I hope that they share their fun ideas with other students who weren't able to experience this. I plan to make this project a part of all the lesson plans I create because it integrated a lot of different learning. I am so glad that I was introduced to this project. As you can see, pictures say a million words. It's hard to explain. With this project alone, I was able to bring out creativity and imagination. If only you were there to see and hear all the things that were coming out of their mouths! It was unbelievable! Students come up with the wildest ideas and stories! It's unforgettable! I hope you enjoy the pictures and the movie. They will tell you everything!!